Home loans in India and the US - The difference...
9:31 PM Posted In General Facts Edit This 2 Comments »The Difference!!
The basic and the most vital difference between the home loans in India and the US are based on values. But on what value?? The answer - The US home loans are based on the land value and the Indian home loans are based on the individual's earning capability!!
Well, to dig in deep, an US citizen can take more home loans when his land value rises. And regarding the Indian home loans, the individual can borrow home loans when his earnings increase.
Which well has water??
To discuss about the benefits i would with some reasons support the Indian home loan fundamentals. The reason is with its its fundamentals. An individual, in general, always climbs up the ladder. To be specific, he always has increments. Only a few experience decrements and thats not the scenario!! Thus the decision arrives holding a valid argument with Indian home loan fundamentals that an individual can always burrow more loans as his earnings ar always incremented.
On the other pan, the US home loans stating the land value has a slight disadvantage over the Indian fundamentals, may over the rest too... Land values are mostly restricted to the cities and towns. The people living in the rest are never benefited. The land value can rise if its situated near a celebrity home or near a tourist spot or something else. Only people who live on or near such places are the benefactors and that makes the rest move to the hard corner.
Any refute??....